10 November 2005

Liquid Sunshine

There I was. 7 November. I was walking to the commo shop and I felt a drop on the back of my neck. It was just one drop, but it was rain. Rain. No doubt about it. Something I hadn’t experienced in three months, since leaving Mississippi. Within a minute, there was another drop that landed on my cheek. Yep, it was official—a Kuwaiti rain storm.

At the end of October/beginning of November, we started to have these crazy, white puffy things in the sky. If I remember right, I think they call them “clouds.” Since our arrival in Kuwait in August, the skies have been virtually spotless. The only exception to this has been smoke from the oil fires and blowing sand and dust, both of which can (and occasionally do) completely obscure the blue sky and sun.

Kuwait typically gets as little as an inch of rain a year. Some years though it gets up to a whopping 8 inches. Kuwait is different than Iraq in this regard. Some of the northern regions of Iraq get a lot more rain: some even exceed 25 inches of rain per year. For now, I'll just have to be happy with the two drops I received.

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